2010 Summer Training Camp Registration Deadline
All Players must pre- register by completing the attached registration form including medical information and return it to the Truro Major Bantam Office no later than Tuesday, June 22nd , 2010. The registration cost is $130.00. Please note that CHEQUES or MONEY ORDERS or cash, to be made payable to the TRURO MAJOR BANTAM HOCKEY CLUB and must accompany the completed registration information in order for your application to be accepted. Completed forms and payment should be sent to the following address:
Truro Major Bantam Hockey Club
c/o Burchell MacDougall
Attn: Greg Mullen, Vice President Finance
PO Box 1128, 710 Prince Street
Truro, Nova Scotia
B2N 5H1
The $130.00 includes 2 practices, 2 intersquad games, an off ice testing session and a jersey.